Il C.S.M.P. – Centro Studi MARCO POLO in convenzione con l’Università degli Studi Giustino Fortunato – Telematica promuove per l’Anno Accademico 2023/2024 un Master Annuale di I° Livello in “Digital Health: Engineering and managing high-quality medical software and systems”, ex art. 3, comma 9, del D.M. 22 ottobre 2004, n.270 e successive modifiche/integrazioni ed in conformità al Regolamento Master Universitario di I e di II livello.
- Durata di 1500 ore
- 60 Crediti Formativi Universitari
- Anno Accademico 2023/2024
The Master’s programme is aimed at graduates who wish to acquire advanced knowledge in the design, engineering and management of advanced health systems, including those based on Artificial Intelligence technologies.
The training course aims to develop skills, also from a managerial perspective, of the analysis, design and control functions of complex health systems. The focus will be on i) system certification issues according to current regulations; ii) quality requirements and objectives; iii) sector standards; iv) verification and validation tools; v) development, management and control processes; and vi) the most advanced founding technologies (i.e., Machine Learning, IoT, etc.).
The Master’s Degree Course is divided into modules (60 CFU in total) including specific topics, functional to the disciplines object of study
The training includes a company internship for 600 hour